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Trademarks Are Very Important On The Internet !

Any business that starts up their online website without a trademark is gambling with the future of their online presence. Most of us know trademarks as a registered logo or symbol, but believe it or not trademarks greatly affect domain names, (URL), too!

Every website developed by Net Site, and every website made by someone else requires a domain name for a visitor to access it, for example www.website.com.

Believe it or not some people and business have lost their domain names because of trademark disputes. There are companies known by ICANN called Domain Name Dispute Resolution Offices. These offices have, in many cases, handled claims from clients that some entity on the internet is using or owns a domain name that is either the same or strikingly similar to their trademark, or their own domain name.

To safeguard our clients, all domain names supplied by Net Site or the customer are trademarked as a “text word trademark” to prevent anybody from filing a claim against you. It is absolutely unheard of to start a business online, or a personal site for that matter, without a trademark to protect the domain.

Very few people and businesses know of this, but it is most cetainly of extreme importance. We protect our clients in every way possible, helping to ensure success on the internet. Be sure and read our information on website copyrights to see another extra step Net Site takes to help protect your online brand. To the best of our knowledge, no other internet web development company offers these extra types of services to their clients with no additionals costs.




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